# need avahi user and group for priviledge separation Required_files='/ffp/etc/avahi/nf /ffp/etc/avahi/hosts' Useradd -u 50 -g avahi -d /tmp -s /bin/false avahiģ) Create a startup script called /ffp/start/avahi.sh as shown here. Install both with funpkg -i Ģ) Add an avahi user groupadd -g 50 avahi
Of course, to install new software on the DNS-323, you must have fun_plug properly activated. AFP is provided by Netatalk and Bonjour by Avahi.
After reading some posts online, I realised that the solution was to activate AFP (Apple Filing Protocol) as well as Multicast DNS (Bonjour) on the NAS. For instance, deletes were slow even though transfer speeds were great. The only problem I had was that the NAS only offered SMB (via Samba) out of the box which meant that some operations were somewhat slow when initiated from my MacBook.